Choice 3: Romans 6. Baptism
1. Review Romans 6:1-13 and answer the following questions in writing:
a. What must be done with sin before baptism can occur?
i. We must repent and forsake of sin before baptism can occur.
b. What events from Christ’s life are symbolized in baptism?
i. His death and resurrection are symbolized in baptism.
c. Considering this symbolism, why couldn’t someone be baptized by sprinkling?
i. Because we must be immersed in the water, the reason we are laid down in the water and brought back up again is to symbolize that Christ laid down His life for us and was raised. The sprinkling can’t show that symbolism.
d. What do these verses teach us about how we can maintain the “newness of life”?
i. By keeping the commandments of God.
e. According to Mosiah 3:19, what part of us would ideally die at baptism?
i. The natural man. When we are baptized we are saying that we are putting aside our will for the will of God, so we are symbolizing that the natural man has died and we will live a more spiritual life.
2. Study Romans 6:14-23. Write a paragraph that describes how we know whose servant we are. Then write a statement identifying the true source of freedom.
We know whose servant we are when sin has no power over us, we live by grace. We are obedient to the commandments of God, and are free from sin. And by our fruits you can tell whose servant we are. It is so important to remember this concept, that by their fruits ye shall know them; the same will go for us. People can tell who we serve by the way we act.
The true source of freedom comes from living the commandments and having our will be the same as God’s will. He will always make sure we are free.
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