As you study 1 Corinthians 12–14, respond in writing to the following items:
- What is taught about members in 1 Corinthians 12:13–22 and Doctrine and Covenants 84:109–10 that could help those who feel insignificant in their callings?
It is talking about how we all need to every member to function. It uses the body as an example, saying the eye can’t say to the ears that we don’t need them. Every little part of our body is needed to function, and that is the same as in the church and our callings. This last semester I had the opportunity to be the Relief Society president, and that really helped me understand the importance of the other callings. I had very strong impressions of who should be in what calling and even though they were callings I had always thought of as insignificant before I realized how very important they are.
- Of all the spiritual gifts spoken of by Paul, which spiritual gift did he identify as “more excellent”?
Well he spoke strongly about how without charity we are nothing. But he also spoke about if we are to desire any spiritual gift we should desire the gift of prophesy over tongues.
- Draw two columns. Label one “Charity is,” and the other “Charity is not.” As you read 1 Corinthians 13:1–8, 13, list phrases from the scriptures under the appropriate heading.
Charity is
*Suffers long
*Rejoices in truth
*Bears all things
*believeth all things
*hopes all things
*endures all things
*never fails
Charity is Not
*envies not
*vauneth not itself (brag)
*easily provoked
*puffed up
*Seek not her own
*think evil
*Rejoices not in iniquity
- Identify an attribute of charity that you feel a need to develop more fully. Develop a plan to increase in this area. What parts of Moroni 7:45–48 could be included in your plan?
I feel like I could improve on all the attributes of charity, but one I really want to improve on is not being easily provoked. I know it is something I could really work on. And something I love about those verses in Moroni 7 is he tells us to pray with all the energy of heart that we may be filled with this love. That is something I don’t really do all that often. In my prayers I a lot of times forget to pray for charity. Last week I said my goal is to meditate before I pray so I know what I want to say, well I will add this to my list of things to pray for in my meditation time.
- Summarize what is taught about speaking in tongues in 1 Corinthians 14 and the institute student manual commentary for 1 Corinthians 14:26–40, “What Are Some Things We Should Know in Relation to Speaking in Tongues?” (p. 297).
It is taught that it is to be used only when authorized, and that one should not speak in tongues unless someone is there to translate. The gift of tongues isn’t just speaking in gibberish, it is speaking in a language that can be interpreted. And that we shouldn’t try to show off that we can speak in tongues. The manual talks about how the gift of tongues is something the Devil can mimic. And so that is why we need to be extremely careful about how we approach it.
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