Monday night we all went to the house of Diego's girlfriend. It was her birthday and she is a really good friend of the family, and I know her from the mission! So we all went, she lives pretty far, we had to take subway, train, AND a bus!! We got there pretty late and only spent an hour or so there, then we had to go running to catch the train, usually the last train leaves at midnight or close to it. Well Carla's family has a car so one of her sisters gave us a ride to the station, but since there were 6 of us we had to go in 2 groups. I was in the first group with Daniela, Kevin, and Joaquin. We got there and found out that the last train was coming in 5 min! Which means Diego and Nicolas weren't going to make it! We took the last train and got home really late! Nico and Diego decided to stay at Carla's house and just took the train home the next day!!
Wednesday was AWESOME!! I got to go back to TIGRE!! For those of you who don't know, Tigre was my first area of the mission! I absolutely LOVE Tigre, it will always hold a place in my heart! I went with Nicolas, and it is kind of far from where we live, we had to take subway, then train! But finally as the train was pulling into the station at Tigre I was happier than I can even describe!! We walked over to visit the Olmedo Family, they were always so patient and kind with my because when I was there I didn't understand any Spanish!
Last time I saw them Dani and Nati had just had a little baby girl, well she is now 2 and has a little baby sister!! It was so much fun to be able to hold them and talk with the family!!! We spent a couple of hours there, then they took me to go see Claudia, another member in Tigre who I just love because she served her mission in Los Angeles and so she understood how hard it can be to learn a language!
After visiting her I wanted to go see the Branch President and his family, but I didn't remember exactly how to get there, so I decided to go see the Soler family, Brother Soler was our mission leader, and I love him and his wife! So Nicolas and I walked back over to their house, right as we were walking up Karina was walking home and was with the missionaries!! She hugged me for a long time and the missionaries were excited to see me, even though I hardly knew the older one! We ate dinner with Karina and Andres, and after the missionaries left to go home we stayed a little longer to chat!
Finally we decided to go and since it was kind of late we took a remis (taxi) to the train station, we got there and were walking in when someone said you better run the last train of the night is leaving, we took off running and got to the platform right as the train was pulling away!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I was so mad, that was the last train of the night!! So luckily I had Nicolas with me, because otherwise I would have been completely lost! He knew how to get home using the busses, it just takes a million years!! So We went to the bus stop and took our first bus, we were on it for an hour and 15 min and then we had to wait for the next bus, which took nearly 40 min to come, I was starting to get nervous it would never come! Finally it did and then we had to walk about 7 blocks home, we didn't get home until after 2:30am!!!! I was so exhausted, and mama and papa Feresin had stayed awake to wait for us because we neither of us had a cell phone to call and tell them we were fine!! So they were worried to death about us! I felt so bad! But the good thing is we made it home safely!!!
Other than that excitement life has been pretty boring! We might be going to see Tangled tonight in the theater, it just came out in theaters yesterday here, and I told them how much I liked it, so I think we are going to go see it tonight! Should be fun!! Good thing I have already seen it twice in English so I won't have to pay too much attention to understand everything in spanish!!
Well I think that is all I have to say so far, I feel like no one is reading this, but hey at least I have it all written down!!
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