Well I had one of the best new years I think I have EVER had!!! Friday I went out with Kevin and we went to go see Monica, one of my converts, I had a great time listening to her tell me about how she is progressing so much, I saw her Book of Mormon and it is all marked up and well used!! I love to see that!! Then she told me about how she is getting her patriarchal blessing, and is planning on going to the temple in Feb!!! Best news ever!!
Then when we got back to the house we were getting things ready for the new year, making dinner and all that fun stuff!! at 11:30pm we all sat down to eat and at midnight we got up and gave everyone hugs, it was so nice!!
Then we took lots of pictures, continued eating, they all danced and we listened to music. Then around 2am they all decided to go over to a friend's house, so I went with them, but I ended up falling asleep on the mattress they had out on the balcony!!
All those pics are on facebook, so just go look them up!! It was a great new years, I didn't get home until around 8am and I went straight to bed, and when I woke up the missionaries were here to eat lunch!! I got up and showered real quick then went out to see them!! It is so weird not to be a missionary, I was so grateful I didn't have to go out and work with them, new years is so hard to be a missionary because there is no one out!! They are all inside sleeping!!
Well that is about all, we might go out later and go to a park or something, I have no idea, I'm still just so tired!!!
Well I'm gonna go and try to rest a little now!! CHAU!!
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