Well after work I went to a Disney party with Susanna (she is my coworker and we are going to Disney together). We had fun and met two other girls who want to be our roommates, they seem sweet, so I'm getting even more excited about going, just in case anyone was curious I will be in Disney World in 57 days!! And on that note, I will be graduating in 33 days, but who's counting right?
So after that party I came home and ate dinner only to go to my next party (seriously I never do anything, 2 parties in one night is craziness!!) This party was very low key, it was one of my friend's birthday party, it was fun and when I came home I helped my Roommate Melissa move into her own room, since we had 2 roommates move out this past week we have 2 empty rooms, which means we all have our own rooms now! After moving Melissa into her room she mentioned she was willing to help me organize and clean the kitchen, oh my gosh I was so excited! As mentioned in the last post our kitchen is usually a disaster zone, I seriously cringe every time I walk into my apartment and see how messy it is. I had wanted to make some cookies I found on pinterest, but since the kitchen was so messy I didn't even dare. Well with Melissa's help, I knew we could get the kitchen looking good. well since we have so much more room with just four of us we were able to use some of the empty plastic drawers that no one was using and put them in our kitchen, it took us nearly 3 hours and all 4 of us helped a bit, and finally it was cleaned, I mean every drawer cabinet and surface was organized and cleaned. Words can't describe how happy I am whenever I walk into my apartment and see my kitchen now, it is just so beautiful! Oh and to top it all off my roommate Melissa has some really pretty fall decorations so she brought those out now that we have places to put them and we decorated, I contributed my Christmas lights to spruce things up even more!
Here are a few pics of my apartment, I really wish I had gotten some before pics, and during because I don't think you can truly appreciate how bad it was unless you saw what it was like before!!
Here is a pic of my three roommates, sorry it isn't a very good one of any of them! Melissa is on the far left, Lezlie is the one of the far right, and the other Leslie is the one in the middle that you can't see at all!
Here is my Cabinet all spruced up, you can't really see but there are very pretty fall flowers on top!
Here are two shots of the kitchen next to each other, look how pretty and clean it looks!!
And last but not least we cleared off the table and decorated it, our apartment just looks so beautiful now! I'm so happy!!
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