My roommates are very sweet, and so therefore never say something doesn't taste good, I think they don't want to hurt my feelings. I will freely admit if I don't like something, I don't think that makes me a bad cook, or anything it's just not every recipe is going to be a golden one, and I am going to make mistakes, and lots of them... I am no professional chef by any means!
So anyways, today I made two desserts, one was really good (in fact I'm still eating it) and the other one was a major royal flop! I will share both recipes with you!
The first one was the Forgotten Kiss Cookies, for the recipe click here I thought they would be so delicious, I mean how can you go wrong with mini m&ms and a Hershey kiss? Well those things were delicious, and the chocolate drizzle on top was oh so good as well, it was the dough I wasn't crazy about! I followed the directions perfectly, and the dough just wasn't good at all. I think if I ever make these again, I will just use my own cookie dough recipe and stick a Hershey kiss in the middle! I found this recipe on pinterest and after making them I disliked it so much I deleted it off my dessert board because I didn't want to be tempted to try and make them again!
Here are a couple pictures of the cookies, don't be deceived, they may look delicious, but they really aren't! In fact one of my roommates even agreed with me they weren't very good, when that happens you KNOW they are bad!!
So since those cookies were such a bust (and I still don' know what to do with them, maybe I should give them to someone I don't like :) ?) Anyways I still wanted something sweet and I have been DYING to try a recipe I found (also on pinterest) and it is for a single serving mug brownie, this way you don't have to make a whole pan of brownies, seriously genius!! Well I'm happy to report this experiment went much nicer than the first, I'm still eating my mug brownie, and as stated in the recipe, I think it would be most delicious with a scoop of ice cream, but alas I didn't have any! Here is the recipe for these delicious brownies!
I took a couple of pictures of these brownies, unfortunately the picture doesn't do them justice, because they are oh so good!!
Seriously if you are in the need of a chocolate fix, this should do just the trick! I added a few semi-sweet chocolate chips to mine! Also mine took longer than 1 minute, it took about 2 min 30 seconds. And I think it probably could have gone a bit longer.