Monday, April 25, 2011

Back to the Grind

Sorry for the lack of posting the past couple of weeks, they have been busy ones for me!!

Here is a quick catch up, I had a GREAT last week in Argentina, I got to do most of the things I wanted to do!! I was said to say goodbye to some people, and sorry to say I was happy to say goodbye to other people! My internship in Argentina was definitely an eye opening experience, and I'm so grateful I was able to have it!

When I got home I was so busy, I was only home for a few days, and in that time I visited all my immediate family in KY, and help in any way I could. My first day back in the states I got a phone call from one of the jobs I had applied to, asking if I could do a phone interview. Well long story short, I got the job!!! I was so excited because it is a campus job, so I am free weekends and nights!! So far I really like the job, it isn't really that exciting, I just answer phones all day, but the people I work with are a lot of fun!!

So it looked like everything was coming together for the perfect semester! I got out here and moved in, I'm all settled into my apartment and decided I didn't want to move EVER AGAIN!! So I'm staying in this apartment until I graduate or get married. I have good roommates, I really don't have anything complain about them, but of course it has only been a week :).

Well in my first week back I got a call from my bishop... can anyone guess what my calling is??? RELIEF SOCIETY PRESIDENT!!!! Really me?? I'm so not qualified for this calling! I was sort of expecting it because I was getting a lot of feelings about that calling, I was just hoping I was wrong, I have almost no free time as it is!! Because on top of that I have another job, all I do is lock the lounge door at curfew here in my apartment complex, not a big deal, but it does make me stay up later than normal! So this semester is for sure going to be the BUSIEST AND CRAZIEST semester of my life!! I ended up dropping a class because I just felt like I couldn't do it all. Because here are all the things on my plate these next 3 months: Relief Society President, 12 credits, 2 jobs, and I'm participating in the Biggest Winner.

For those of you who don't know what the biggest winner is, it is a competition here on campus that is just like biggest loser, so yeah I have that on top of everything else!! I think it will be a really fun semester, as long as I can keep myself sane!!

I had a great Easter weekend, and I hope everyone else did too!! And well I probably won't be posting very often this semester as I have no time!! If I do post it will be because I'm procrastinating doing my homework... like I'm doing right now!!

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