Friday, July 29, 2011

New Testament Class

So I'm taking an online class over my summer break. As part of my assignments in this class I will be posting from time to time some of my insights about certain topics. Today my assignment is this:

Choice 6: 1 Thessalonians 3–5; 2 Thessalonians 3:1–6, 11. Counsel for Members

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 3:12–13; 4:1–12; 5:1–22; 2 Thessalonians 3:1–6, 11. Then compile a list of attributes Paul counseled members to improve.
  2. Select three attributes from your list and write plans of how you want to improve in each area.

So here are the attributes I compiled from my reading:

* Walk and please God
*Abstain from Fornication
*Be Sanctified
*Do not defraud your brother
*Be not unclean
*Have brotherly love
*Love one another (that means EVERYONE)
*Work with own hands
*Don't be ignorant
*Have hope
*Comfort one another
*Be sober
*put on breastplate of faith and love
*Helmet of the hope of salvation
*Warn the unruly
*Support the weak
*be patient of all men
*Rejoice evermore
*Pray without ceasing
*in everything give thanks
*quench not the Spirit
*Hold fast to that which is good
*Abstain from all appearance of evil
*Pray for the brethern
*love God
*withdraw from people who don't keep the commandments
*Don't be busy bodies, work with hands.

These are the three attributes I picked from the list to improve on in my life.

*Love one another (that means EVERYONE)
I need to work on loving everyone, I plan on doing this by improving my prayers, every time I pray I will ask God to help me feel charity, the pure love of Christ towards everyone I meet. If I feel like I'm having a hard time loving a person I will try to find ways to serve them and love them.
This is something I need to work on mostly in the area of scripture study. I have a hard time keeping a consistent scripture study routine going. I will use this class as a starting place to help me have a consistent scripture study, and I will set aside time every morning before I need to do anything else to study the scriptures so that I can start my day out nicely.
*Pray without ceasing
I am pretty consistent about having my morning and nightly prayers, but a lot of times they become repetitive, and I feel like I need to be better at having more sincere prayers. I will take some time before my morning and nightly prayers to ponder and meditate about what I want to say and thank my Heavenly Father for before I start my prayers, so that they are more heartfelt. I will also take some time in the morning to think about how I can keep a prayer in my heart throughout the day.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Well the semester is winding down... it has seriously gone by so fast. Of course I feel like I say that at the end of every semester, but it is always true! I really have only one more week left of school, I have two major presentations and papers to turn in, and then I'm DONE!!! I'm doing one of the presentations and turning in the paper tomorrow, and then I turn in the next paper on Tuesday, and we do our presentation on Thursday! Once I have those in its just all a few little things I have to do and get done. Well and I also have my stats class, and like 5 tests I have to take this week for that class, but then I'm DONE!! So by Friday at 5pm I will be done with EVERYTHING!! I will just have to stay and go to a couple of classes next week, and go to work, but nothing to turn in or worry about! I'm so excited this semester is almost over, but the next week will be stressful getting everything done and turned in!

Here's to hoping this next week doesn't kill me!!