Well this week as flown by! I can't believe it is already Friday!! I have had a really good first week of classes. I already dropped my Psych class, it was just going to be way too much work and stress, so good thing I don't need that class to graduate!
I have met all my roommates, I still don't know them very well, but they all seem like nice people! We are all older, with the exception of one freshman, and I'm pretty sure I'm the oldest in the apartment! The first few days of the week I felt like a chicken running around with its head cut off. I arrived in Rexburg Sunday night and luckily was able to just unpack my suitcase since I'm living in the same apartment all my stuff was just as I left it! I was also finally able to bring back the cabinet that my brother has been building me, it is beautiful! I only have the cabinet part with me, I still need to finish painting and staining the top shelf part, but I will be one very happy girl when I have both pieces together! Below are some pics of my cabinet!! Paul built the whole thing, and I painted and stained, Paul helped me distress it a bit too! Sorry to all my other siblings, but for right now Paul has one favorite status!!
Isn't it just beautiful?? I'm so excited about it!! I absolutely LOVE my cabinet!!
Well back to my week, because I know you all are just sitting on the edges of your seats because my life is just soooo exciting ;). Well after getting settled in Sunday night, and seeing some of my old friends I went to bed, Monday morning I didn't have class until 10:15 but I had a ton of errands to run so I had to wake up early and get them all done! Luckily I did, and yet I still had an hour to kill before class! My classes weren't too bad, my Monday Wednesday Friday classes all seem like they are going to be pretty easy. I have 3 classes on those days, and they are back to back, from 10:15 to 1:45, and then I have work from 2-5, by the end of Monday I was EXHAUSTED!!! Straight from work I met up with my cousin Barb to have dinner, then I went straight to FHE where I found out I was indeed NOT released from my calling and am in fact still Relief Society president! The from FHE I came home and went to bed!!
This whole week has been very similar to Monday, I haven't really had any time to just stop and think, I have also already been bombarded by homework, I don't think this semester is going to be unusually hard, but I am going to have A LOT of homework!! I'm excited though, I like all my teachers and classes, and I met all my neighbors last night and I think I'm going to have a great semester!!
Welp I gotta run, I have class in a few minutes!! I hope everyone is having a great day!!