Choice 6: 1 Thessalonians 3–5; 2 Thessalonians 3:1–6, 11. Counsel for Members
- Read 1 Thessalonians 3:12–13; 4:1–12; 5:1–22; 2 Thessalonians 3:1–6, 11. Then compile a list of attributes Paul counseled members to improve.
- Select three attributes from your list and write plans of how you want to improve in each area.
So here are the attributes I compiled from my reading:
* Walk and please God
*Abstain from Fornication
*Be Sanctified
*Do not defraud your brother
*Be not unclean
*Have brotherly love
*Love one another (that means EVERYONE)
*Work with own hands
*Don't be ignorant
*Have hope
*Comfort one another
*Be sober
*put on breastplate of faith and love
*Helmet of the hope of salvation
*Warn the unruly
*Support the weak
*be patient of all men
*Rejoice evermore
*Pray without ceasing
*in everything give thanks
*quench not the Spirit
*Hold fast to that which is good
*Abstain from all appearance of evil
*Pray for the brethern
*love God
*withdraw from people who don't keep the commandments
*Don't be busy bodies, work with hands.
These are the three attributes I picked from the list to improve on in my life.
*Love one another (that means EVERYONE)
I need to work on loving everyone, I plan on doing this by improving my prayers, every time I pray I will ask God to help me feel charity, the pure love of Christ towards everyone I meet. If I feel like I'm having a hard time loving a person I will try to find ways to serve them and love them.
This is something I need to work on mostly in the area of scripture study. I have a hard time keeping a consistent scripture study routine going. I will use this class as a starting place to help me have a consistent scripture study, and I will set aside time every morning before I need to do anything else to study the scriptures so that I can start my day out nicely.
*Pray without ceasing
I am pretty consistent about having my morning and nightly prayers, but a lot of times they become repetitive, and I feel like I need to be better at having more sincere prayers. I will take some time before my morning and nightly prayers to ponder and meditate about what I want to say and thank my Heavenly Father for before I start my prayers, so that they are more heartfelt. I will also take some time in the morning to think about how I can keep a prayer in my heart throughout the day.