Well I mentioned in my last post that I was looking forward to some big changes after my trip, well my big change happened before!! So last week after a little bit of drama where I was living I finally decided I was so over everything I had been putting up with!! Before this bit of drama I was putting up with a lot of little annoyances... but after what happened Monday night I was so over living where I was. So I immediately started looks for a new place to live! All last week I was wandering all around Buenos Aires to find the right apartment for me! After a lot of looking and weighing the pros and cons, I finally settled on one in the Congress area of Buenos Aires, it is a nice area, and it is fairly close to where I work and where I was living before. Even though I had drama with the family doesn't mean I don't want to stay friends, so it is nice to know I'm still close.
Well I wasn't going to move until after Ushuaia, I couldn't really justify paying for a week when I wouldn't even be there, but they guy I'm renting from offered me the place now for the same price, so I jumped at the chance to get all settled in before leaving, so I don't have to worry about doing it when I get home!!
So yesterday I told the family that I was moving and packed my things and left, Kevin helped me move all my stuff, he is awesome, he went shopping with me to get a few of the things that I needed and carried all my stuff and helped me with all my luggage, he was such a big help I couldn't have done it with out him!! Well after he left to go home I was left all alone in my little place. It was very exciting!! I watched tv which is something I haven't done in FOREVER!! And I talked to my mom, and cooked myself dinner, and went to bed at a decent hour (11:30) and was able to sleep so well and woke up at 8:30. This may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but it is huge to me!! I haven't had a good nights sleep since I left the States. The bed I was sleeping on before was so uncomfortable that I never slept well, and the schedules here are so different that I wasn't going to bed until way too late and waking up way too late. I'm so glad I can get back on a normal healthy schedule!!
So anyways that is what happened, I'm now living all by myself, for the first time ever, which is very exciting!! I'm going to put pics of my new place!! It is very green!!