Friday, December 31, 2010


I finally made it!! It looked kind of iffy for a while, but I'm here, in Argentina, and I can't say enough how happy I am here, I feel like I've finally come home!! When I got home after the semester ended I only had a week to be with my family, I ended up being sick the entire time!! I was afraid that if I didn't get better my parents wouldn't let me go, I did everything I could to get better, and finally on Sunday I woke up feeling 100% better!! Tuesday I flew out of Cinci, and barely made my connecting flight in Miami, I hadn't slept the whole night before so I was so tired that I slept almost the entire flight, which was so nice!! I woke up when we were 2 hours away from Buenos Aires so I watched a movie and it ended right as we landed!!

Once I got past customs I saw two of my Argentine brothers waiting for me, Nicolas and Kevin... I ran over to them and gave them great big hugs, its so great not being a missionary, I can hug them now!!! We got a taxi and went back to the house where I saw my mama Argentina, it seriously was a fantastic day!!! I was really tired but I tried to stay awake because I wanted to spend as much time with my family!! I missed them sooo much!! I was so happy to finally be with them again!!

I have a comp that has finished her mission, but didn't leave until Thursday morning, I had plans to go to the airport and see her there, well we didn't know it but she was given permission to spend her last night here in Almagro, her and my only other comp that is still in the mission who is now back in Almagro, came over, I was starting to fall asleep in the chair I was sitting in, and they walked in, when I saw them both I screamed so loud, I don't think I could have been any happier!! I just love seeing all these people, it is the best thing ever!!

Then my second day here I went to the church and the Bishop was there and he was telling me that a couple who were baptized during my time here in this ward are going to the temple to be sealed in a couple of weeks, I'm going on the same temple trip, I get to be there when they are sealed!! Also Nicolas is going to the temple for the first time because he is preparing to go on his mission!! Then in February Monica one of my last baptisms will be going to the temple, if she goes then, I'm gonna go as well!! I got to go see her today, I went to her house to surprise her and it was so good to see her!!

Seriously I know I have done the right thing in coming back, I love it here, of course there are things uncomfortable, it is like a million degrees, I'm back living with cockroaches and all that, but none of those things can overtake the happiness I'm feeling right now!! I love love love Argentina!!

Well I better go, we are getting everything ready for new years, I'm pretty sure this will be my best new years EVER!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

End of semester CRAZINESS!!

Well I am still just as happy as I was a month ago!! I'm still going to Argentina, and to make the deal even sweeter, the school approved it as an internship, so everything is official!!! I also took three tests last week to pass out of three Spanish tests, I was stressing out about it because everyone talks about how it is a very hard test, and on the third test the average is usually a C or something like that. I had planned on studying for the tests all of Thanksgiving break, but I was having too much fun playing with my friend Keri's kids, I didn't want to study Spanish! Then last week I had a lot of other things to work on, I just never seemed to have the time to study for the test, when I did I felt like I was getting dumber and dumber, I would mess up on the simplest things ever! Thursday night rolled around and I wasn't feeling prepared for the tests at all, but my roommate and I decided we would wake up early and go to the temple Friday morning, then we had also read somewhere that fruit helps with memory, so we went and got smoothies at Jamba Juice, I had class and after class was over we met up and went to take the test together! We both felt a lot more confident about the test, even though the night before we were really nervous!! I couldn't believe how EASY all of the tests were, I walked out of there feeling super confident, but I didn't find out about what I officially got until today! I was so relieved it was all over and done so I wasn't too worried. After the tests we went to IF and went shopping! Then Saturday was a good day because I planned a bridal shower for my friend Ladd, it turned out GREAT!! I had a blast doing this for her, I'm so happy for her, she and her fiancee are perfect for each other... almost a little scary how perfect they are for each other!!
It was a great weekend! So this morning I went to go and find out my test scores, well... I did FANTASTIC!!!! I got a 98, 92, and 87 on the three tests!! I wish they could have gone over the ones I missed, because I remember not being sure about a few questions and hoping they could explain them to me. But no such luck, well I'm still happy with what I got, I'm hoping it will raise my GPA, I'm at the point to if I can raise it just a little bit more I can get a partial scholarship, here's to hoping all my hard work this semester will pay off!!
This week won't be as stressful as last week was, but it still has its stresses, I have 2 big papers due this week, a group project to present, and 2 tests at the end of the week... it sounds like a lot but I'm not too worried about it right now, I think it won't be too bad!! I am just very ready for the semester to be over!! Only 22 more days until I leave for ARGENTINA!!!!!